Tuesday, January 26, 2010

This seriously sums up what i think. I wish Congress would grow some... nerves?... and do what's right instead of what's safe. If I recall correctly, lots of Members lost their jobs after Medicare and Social Security were passed, but can anyone really say it wasn't worth it?

I thought the whole concept of work in the public service is that you're working for something that's bigger than yourself. I thought that a functioning and just society was more important than what particular people are working for it. A position in the government isn't supposed to be a cushy job (which is why people are clamoring to work for $25k in a very expensive city). It isn't supposed to be an easy job (which is why those $25k jobs are some 60 hrs/week).

Hey, Senators? The Greater Good must be more important than where you'll park your car next January. Otherwise, you're there for your own self-interest. And that completely undermines the whole point of what our system is built on. Doesn't it?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Dreamed last night that I had bought a Ducati motorcycle for either $300 or $600... it also may have been a prize at an arcade. My parents were pissed about it but came around remarkably fast. The bike was sunshine yellow and was pretty sweet - especially for 10% of retail!

Not sure what it all means... nor do I know exactly why I've blogged about it. Hello, blog, I'm Greg; we met maybe one time before. Perhaps I'll see you again sometime?